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A Free Business Seminar is offered to local business owners anywhere in the local Bowie County, Texas area. The famous cliche "Been There" is why! As a small business owner and entrepreneur for many years, we've had to learn the hard way how to build a website that can be found!
Let's face it - pretty much anyone can build a website with today's available technology. The real secret is building it so you are actually found on the Internet without having to type in your name in the search request box.
Please select our "Full Site" on the Navigation Bar to see the listing of videos about our Business Seminar. We have small 2-3 minute video snippets from a typical Business Seminar. They are best viewed on a Laptop or Desktop sized screen.
Difference between Blog & Website
Difference between Blog & Website-II
Understanding Your Credit Card Processing Statement
What's Your "Effective Rate"? The only way to really understand your statement costs!
The Audio files may require you to update some of your plugins first? Flashplayer, Quicktime, etc. It will tell you.
Audio Series - Website Design - the Right Way
Audio Series - Website Design - the Right Way I
Understanding your Credit Card Processing Statement
If you are like most people, you type in your name on the search bar of your computer and you come up first on the search results. Or, perhaps you are more daring and type a keyword that has to do with your business and you still show up on the first page. This is extremely misleading!!!! Your computer has already told the search engines where you are and even what you type everyday for search results. It knows the name of your business and has it "on file".
If you ever want to be really found on the Internet for whatever your product(s) is, you need to test your search engine results - as if you were a customer that never heard of your business name.
Unfortunately, this "Test" can be rather humbling to the business owner. First, clear all search "History" and "Cache" from your computer (Internet Tools Tab). This will effectively ERASE all the search results your computer has been storing for you. Next, you should reboot your computer. Once it has restarted, go to your Internet Search Tab and search for "STARTPAGE.com". Download it onto your computer. It's just another search engine like all the rest, except it is very private and doesn't save all your history and previous searches.
StartPage is a search engine that does not allow your IP address to be recorded! This enables you to search the Internet without the "Googles/Yahoos/Bings" knowing where you are. Now, your "Search Results" will be more generic and true. Use "StartPage" as your search engine. It will still use Google to obtain the results of your search, but Google won't know where you are located.
OK, here's the "test".
Do NOT Type your website name. Type a keyword phrase about your business.
Example, if you are a Pizza Restaurant in Springdale, Utah - type just that in your search bar - Pizza, Springdale, UT. Notice, the website/business name is NOT included. This will show you exactly where you really stand in everyone else's computer when they search for your Pizza Restaurant in Springdale, UT. Did you make the first page - Hurray!! Page 3? Page 10? Are you even showing up? Now, you truly understand where your website is listed in the "Generic Search Results" on the Internet.
Our Free Business Seminar is designed to help you understand how the Internet works and more importantly, how to get on that First Page of Search Engine Results!
Our seminar is approximately one hour long. It goes into the basics of how to check your site, what tools you already have to verify how your site is built and then what the basics are that the Search Engines require to properly catalog and place your website on the first page of results.
If you have a Webmaster building or managing your site, this one hour of your time will enable you to either Thank your Webmaster or have a very good "Heart to Heart" with your webmaster about what you really need for your site to be found! Many times, it isn't the Webmaster's fault that you aren't being found. Many Business Owners want all kinds of neat tricks and bells and whistles on their site, without listening to their Webmaster trying to say no! Some Webmasters are all about "code" and neat graphics. That's fine, but not at the expense of your business website not being found!
Our Free Business Seminar is all about how to improve your website for the maximum Search Engine results!
Contact Us
We'd be happy to conduct our Free Business Seminar in your area.
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